Last Friday Of The Month All-Night Service

Event details

  • December 28, 2028
  • 12:00 pm
  • 13711 Old Annapolis Road Bowie, Maryland, 20720.
  • 301 -674- 7038

Every Last Friday of the month, we meet to assess all our achievements and goals for that month. In this meeting, we thank God for all that we achieved in the current month and we also pray in preparation for the next month, based on prayer points from our man of God, Rev, Dr. Chris.

The location of this service can be ONLINE or ON-SITE. Please stay tuned as you will be updated by Our Pastor, Pastor Beatrice, on the location. Regularly check the Church’s KingsChat account and/or WhatsApp Group.

You do not want to miss this opportunity to prayerfully prepare for the next month and thank God for a successful month.